Re-Align Your In-Person Event Into an Engaging Virtual Experience
August 6, 2020 | coporate planning, Corporate Event Planning, corporate events, Uncategorized, Virtual Events
Re-Align Your In-Person Event Into an Engaging Virtual Experience

In March 2020, as I adjusted to the immense toll COVID-19 was having on the event planning industry, I was faced with the decision of whether I should postpone or cancel my annual, flagship event, The Signature CEO Conference. During this uncertain time of closures, cancellations and social distancing, it became evident that my creative community still longed for ways

Howard University College of Medicine | Match Week Gala
March 25, 2019 | Corporate Event Planning, corporate events, Event Planner, Event Planning, Galas
Howard University College of Medicine | Match Week Gala

Match Week for students enrolled in a medical college is a moment that is equal to or greater than graduation day!  Match Week occurs the third week in March. It is the period of time beginning at 11:00 a.m. ET on Monday and ending at 1:00 p.m. ET on Friday when applicants and programs learn the results of the Match.

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