In part one of our three part series on R.S.V.P Etiquette, we discussed 10 rules of thumb as a Wedding Guest.  Today, we address the “6 Rules of Thumb as the Wedding Professional” – yes, wedding professionals have an obligation to R.S.V.P to their client(s).

As Wedding Professionals, we are so engaged with performing our duties and making sure that our client(s) have a spectacular event, and on the day of the event we unconsciously arrive with our un-invited/plus one or two entourage.  We think that everything is okay, not knowing that we did notajw_0218 follow proper protocol and have just caused a slight ripple in the day.  Just as our client(s) have to provide to the venue or caterer a headcount on their actual guests, they also have to provide an accurate headcount of the vendors.  So, if you did not provide to your client(s) the number of attendees within your crew, then you have just caused an offset in the number of meals that will be provided to the client’s vendor team.

To make sure that you are being a courteous wedding professional/vendor, these simple suggestions will have your client(s) forever grateful of you:View More:

  1. Details in the Contract.  Upon signing the contract agreement between you and your client, let them aware of the number of persons that will be on-site for their event.
  2. Is it a Requirement?.  Clarify with your client if vendor meals are a requirement of your contract.
  3. Reminder Notice.  Within 2 weeks prior to your client’s event, send a friendly email reminder that there will be a certain number of staff members from your company.
  4. Inform the Wedding Planner/Coordinator.  If there is a Wedding Planner or Wedding Coordinator, please inform him/her of your team count.
  5. No Plus-One.  On event day, be courteous and do not send additional staff members to the event; if so, please do not expect your client to feed your staff if there was no prior acknowledgement.  Remember, your client has to pay for your staff and any additional unknown staff causes your client to incur extra charges or causes another vendor to be short because of this miscommunication.
  6. Be Patient.  Remember, you are a vendor on site performing a job.  Be patient and wait for the appropriate time for you to receive your vendor meal – do not harass the wait staff as to the time of when you will eat.

These simple suggestions will be admired by your client(s).  You ask which wedding professionals/vendors is this directed towards?  Most of the time it relates to vendors that are spending the entire day for the event, 5 or more hours, and will be onsite during the duration of the event – the event planning team, photographers, videographers, deejays, bands, etc.